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Use of the Library of the School of Science of Education Reading Room from 20/10/2020

Κατηγορίες Βιβλιοθήκη της Σχολής Επιστημών της Αγωγής

According to the security measures due to the pandemic, the reading room of the Library of the School of Science of Education will operate from Tuesday 20/10/2020 with the following schedule:

Monday to Friday 9:00 - 16:00.

 Users contact the Library before their visit either by email or by phone to make an appointment. 


• The use of the mask is mandatory.

• The elevators will be used only by people with disabilities or patients

• No access to the shelves is accepted

• Due to special circumstances, the members of the School of science of Education have priority over the services of the library.

• The books that will be returned or used will remain in quarantine for at least 3 days.


• Visiting the premises (for borrowing, return or study) requires the presentation of an academic or police ID and is done only by appointment by phone or email.


Use of reading room

• Admission to the reading room for study is every two hours, according to the following schedule strictly:  9:15 -11:15, 11:30-13:30,  13:45 -15:45

• Every reader who wants to read should send an e-mail to edc@lib.uoa.gr or contact by phone to make an appointment.

• Should inform staff if they will need books of the library.

• Send the details of the books you found in the OPAC directory <link www.lib.uoa.gr/>www.lib.uoa.gr</link&gt; (Book Title, Author, Travel Number, Barcode).

• Every reader cannot use more than 3 books of the library.

• He will remain into the reading room at the position indicated for the safety all of us.


To visit us, contact us for your appointment at:

Contact telephones :  210 3689602 - 3, 4, 5

and at the email : edc@lib.uoa.gr